Yes, despite the recent posts about electronics hacking and hard drives and data organization, I do still have interest in photography and making photos. To that end, over the past couple of months I’ve had my friend Niles (https://www.lundphotographics.com) fabricate a couple of lens boards so I can mount two lenses to my large format cameras.

The big lens is from an aerial reconnaissance camera I got off eBay a while ago. I had already used it to make a few portraits – Ari, John, and Brenton – but since it was mounted temporarily in cardboard that ended in near disaster – the lens wobbled and fell out and bounced on the concrete. Fortunately it seems nearly undamaged.
I also got a small Goerlitz brass lens (240mm f/7.2 Hugo Meyer Anastigmat) which I can now mount on the 8×10.
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