Up early, decided to go for a walk up the hill above Trstenik. Found the winemaker we had visited last night (went to watch the harvest getting crushed and de-stemmed, and to taste some of his wine) and asked if I could have one of his pomegranates (Farnaz had been wanting one for a few days now). “No problem!” Unfortunately when I gave it to Farnaz she said it wasn’t really ripe enough to be tasty. Well, I tried.
Remembered another dream… this one was something like a Monty Python skit where there is a caricature of some maniacal general (I’m thinking John Cleese for the role) wildly pacing around on the field of battle… but the foe just didn’t show up. Or the general was on the wrong field – the battle was the next field over, and between two different armies.

-Farnaz, commenting on some Croatian kids playing football (soccer) and kicking the ball out of bounds… on a round field. I still chuckle when I remember it.
22:55 Korcula: Not…much…to…say. Walked around the old town with Farnaz, Dean, and Natasha. Had a great dinner – the four of us joined Claire and Daniel, and each of us ordered a different pizza or pasta dish, then split them all up and shared. It was really tasty, and we had a table along the southeastern ramparts of the city wall overlooking the sea. Wonderful meal, and lots of fun with the others.
Croatia is really stunningly beautiful, at least the Dalmatian coast bits we’ve seen. The cities are clean and very pretty, with all the white stone, dark green shutters, and terracotta roof tiles. The landscapes are generally unmarred by power lines or roads – just blue clear water turning turquoise close to the white rocky shores, then deep green evergreen forests covering the hills.