I went back to Birch Point State Park again – I knew there were a couple of photos I saw that I didn’t have time to make the last trip, plus there was the whole other half of the beach and woods to explore.

I still didn’t make the photos I had in mind, but as it turns out they weren’t as interesting as what I did find in my new spot. And I don’t know why, but the trees and forest on the other end of the beach – the right side as you face the water – is different from the left. I’m guessing there was some difference in ownership, with more recent harvesting of trees or something on the left side.

I saw the shot below as I was shooting the closeup of the sand above, and I wanted to really try and get a good version of it before I packed up. I squeezed in one too many tins of it, which resulted in me having to run back and forth across the beach several times, with the vision in my head of getting locked in the park and having to sleep in my car.

The right side is where I feel most interested in the trees, roots, moss, and rocks. Despite having spent two busy days there I think I need to go back at least once more.

My office for the day
My darkroom was nestled in at the edge where the trees meet the sand, just about in the bottom middle of the photo below.
It was a stunning sunset and moon rise, but I was too crazed trying to get packed up before the gate closed to really make good photographs. They will have to remain mental snapshots.
Funny note: I swear when I opened up this folder to edit the photos I could smell the sulfurous seaweed and salt air!
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