Journal Entries

I try to do or make interesting things on a regular basis. Here are some words and photos about my exploits.

Hays to Moab, Utah

We hauled ass, managed to make it as far as the outskirts of Moab by the end of day two of driving...

Tipp City to Hays, Kansas

Lindalee was up at 06:00, woke me after her shower at around 06:30, sat down to breakfast (pumpkin pie – I love LL’s parents!) by 07:00, packed up and on the road by 07:57! We...

Waverly to Tipp City, Ohio

Ok, so this isn’t exactly what I planned when I was leaving Amsterdam. According to the pipe dream at the time, I should be rotting in an Iranian jail by now. Instead I have hit...

Waverly, Ohio, USA

Woke up this morning (was going to say “at 09:15, ha ha ha, I don’t have a job!” then realized it was Saturday so it’s more normal to oversleep) to this dream. Surely no psychological...

Waverly, Ohio, USA

Just got through US Border Protection…in Ireland. Weird. Anyhow, the woman, after looking at my customs declaration form which lists where I’ve traveled, asked me “so where all have you been?” Naively thinking she’s making...

Shannon, Ireland

Said goodbye to Kamila at the Cork bus station and caught the bus up to Shannon. There aren’t any good connections to get me there in time in the morning, so I’m taking a bus...

Cork and Kinsale, Ireland

02-Oct, Cork, 14:00: First Murphy’s stout (so much better than Guinness!) My choice of pub (Clancy’s) for lunch wasn’t perfect, but it’s ok, especially since I was starting to get shaky from hunger. Had chicken...

Zagreb to Cork, Ireland

09:00, bus to ZAG: Up at 07:20, shower, packed, pastry, tram to bus station. On schedule so far. The three flights are on three different airlines which I booked myself…gulp. (They aren’t responsible for delays...

Zagreb, Croatia

I know I am way behind on this thing, but being on a boat, or on land but without any functioning equipment, makes it difficult. Finally got to a hostel with free internet and no...

Plitvice to Zagreb, Croatia

Caught the 06:52 bus (brrr…) and got into Zagreb no problem. Said a quick goodbye to Lucy, who had to catch a train to Slovenia, and headed off to the center and hopefully a hostel...

Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia

Up at 07:00, breakfast in the Hotel Bellevue dining room (pretty crap for €75/night) and on the trail by the 08:00 opening time. Lucy and I walked on most of the trails in the park...

Split to Plitvice, Croatia

The cruise group kinda fell apart this morning. I guess hangovers and imminently departing buses/trains aren’t conducive to tearful goodbyes. Said a hasty goodbye to Farnaz, Dean, and Natasha, just in case, with plans to...