Journal Entries
I try to do or make interesting things on a regular basis. Here are some words and photos about my exploits.
For various reasons I wasn’t planning on doing anything particularly special for the eclipse. I’d watch it myself, then get online and enjoy nice photos from other people. I definitely didn’t have the urge to...
I have made several trips through southwest Utah in the past year, each time taking my little (and low-slung) Ford Focus further down dirt roads than I should, each time asking the guy changing my...
One of the many things I’ve learned recently is how to screen print, at least one method of doing it. TechShop has a CNC vinyl cutter and a basic screen printing station, so I started...
About the same time I was working on my I-beam coffee table I was also creating another toe breaker / boat anchor, my Big Beam Bench. The wood beam was left over from a set...
A couple of months ago, while daydreaming about things to make with my newfound skills, I had the idea to use one of the most powerful tools at TechShop – a device that can cut...
A friend of mine in Los Angeles recently bought one of my tintype photographs, and rather than entrust it to the postal system, I decided I needed to hand deliver it. (To be clear, in...
I recently decided I needed a wider wide-angle lens to take in the vastness of some of the vistas out here in the west. So I found a little 65mm lens from my peeps at...
Continuing in the theme of “Mark, I thought you were a photographer?!” I present: Dawson’s Finest Reclaimed Wood and Steel End Tables! Once I got into the metal shop and saw all the fun tools...
A couple of weeks ago I was laying in bed waiting on my turn in the bathroom, and was trying to think of something to make as something fun for an upcoming camping trip. One...
In terms of quantity of photographs, my trip last week to Chiricahua National Monument and parts of Coronado National Forest was not particularly productive. What I lacked in quantity, though, I feel like I made...
This week I made another trip down to Saguaro National Park to spend the day making tintypes. As I did last time, I parked in a turnout and spent the entire day photographing within a...
As soon as Kari and I first made a quick loop through Saguaro National Park a few months ago I knew I could spend a lot of time there making tintype photographs of the many...