Journal Entries

I try to do or make interesting things on a regular basis. Here are some words and photos about my exploits.

Exhibition: Salt, Silver, and Sun

Two of my alternative process prints have been selected to be included in an exhibition of Maine-based photographers working in these historical processes. The show at the PhoPa Gallery in Portland, Maine, opened last weekend...

DAM stuff: the big data reorg of 2015

I’ve spent the most of the past two weeks doing some one DAM thing or another. No, not cussin’, but rather Digital Asset Management – it’s a fancy way of saying I’ve been organizing my...


For a while now I’ve been watching various laser-cut objects appear on Etsy, in friends’ constructions, or in cool products being made by small businesses here locally – and watching with envy. I know laser...

Sound trigger revisited

I started this project about exactly five years ago, back in graduate school. I was in a class on “Small Systems Lighting”, learning to use small on-camera strobes in our photography. One assignment was to...

New Lens Boards

Yes, despite the recent posts about electronics hacking and hard drives and data organization, I do still have interest in photography and making photos. To that end, over the past couple of months I’ve had...

Geek Christmas

Back in November I got into making things with electronics and teeny tiny microcontrollers. If I haven’t written the post yet, here’s a brief summary: I wanted a reliable and programmable remote control for my...

John’s Woodpile

Last Saturday I headed over towards Augusta to run an errand, then stopped in at my friends John and Mercy to help John with his new darkroom and new/old camera (an ancient 8×10 he got...

Rockland Lobster Trap Christmas Tree

I just happened to be in Rockland as locals were starting to build the Lobster Trap Christmas Tree, so I made a few photos! Locals add another row of lobster traps to the annual tree...

Juice 4.0 Conference, Rockland, Maine

  Last week I was hired to document the Juice 4.0 Conference in Rockland, Maine. The work day started with a very-snowy 7am drive from Camden. Since I parked down there anyhow I thought I’d...

The Dawson Cabin, Glady, WV

At the end of October I had the opportunity to spend a few days at my family’s rustic cabin in the mountains of West Virginia. I’d been itchin’ to make some more tintypes of the...

Zeiss Photo Competition – Tintypes

Every year the Maine Media Workshops teams up with Zeiss lenses to hold a photo competition. The only requirement is that the images be made with a Zeiss lens. And this year, apparently, seasonal staff...

Box Camera Tripod Mount

This past Christmas Kari got me an old box camera. I’ve made a few tintypes with it, and it’s a lot of fun; the simplicity of a Holga with the clarity of a glass lens...