Journal Entries

I try to do or make interesting things on a regular basis. Here are some words and photos about my exploits.

Birch Point State Park, Part 2 – Silver and Salt

I went back to Birch Point State Park again – I knew there were a couple of photos I saw that I didn’t have time to make the last trip, plus there was the whole...

Four by Five Exhibition: New Orleans Photo Alliance

A month or so ago I entered another juried photography exhibition, this one held by the New Orleans Photo Alliance, entitled “Four by Five”. I sent in my four tintypes and moved on with the...

Birch Point State Park – Tintypes

Every once in a while I get the urge to go out in nature, to some extent or another, and spend some time just seeing what’s there to be seen. After spending the summer surrounded...

Ice Bucket Challenge – Tintype Style

The tintype Kari and I got nominated to do this ice bucket thing – thanks a lot McKenna! (one of Kari’s nieces) – and as usual I tried to figure out a way to make...

The Tetons – The Book

Maine Media Workshops+College recently remodeled the old Haas lab and darkroom into the revamped Haas Lab for Alternative Photographic Processes and a new book arts studio, complete with presses and drawers of type and rolls...

Bad Little Falls, Machias, Maine

This past Saturday I had the opportunity to ride up to Machias, Maine, with Kari, to make tintypes at the Blueberry Festival and Blackfly Ball there. That whole shebang didn’t work out so well, and...

Griffen Cooper #2 – Tintype

Griffen was hanging around campus again, helping out by acting and modeling for some of the Workshops. I had the tintype chemistry set up, so I grabbed him for a few minutes to make a...

Down East Magazine, Monhegan Island

My first summer in Maine I spent a hot dusty day on Monhegan Island photographing students from Maine Media Workshops creating documentary videos. Long story short, Down East Magazine was recently looking for some images...

Sacha – Tintype

Andrew, one of my new friends here at the Workshops, wanted to make a tintype of his girlfriend who was up visiting for the weekend. I did a quick demo to show him the steps...

Expired collodion? Vintage collodion!

Today I sampled some of my '13 and '12 vintages of collodion, with surprising (to me, at least) results!...

New staff, new friends (and new lab)

I’ve been quiet for the past three weeks for various – mostly good – reasons. The Professional Certificate program ended, and there was a fair amount of work involved with that. Then I had three...

Tintype Outing: Owls Head Transportation Museum

Several weeks ago an old high school friend commented on a tintype images I posted to Facebook, said he would like to buy one. Naturally I said “sure! What do you have in mind?” “An...